When you’re applying for jobs you will usually need a Curriculum Vitae or CV (Curriculum Vitae is Latin and translates roughly as ‘the course of your life’). Sometimes called a resume, a CV is basically a summary of your skills, achievements and education. Of course, it can be challenging to sum up your fabulous life on a couple of A4 sheets. To help out, here’s a list of the basics you should include. Keep it simple and to the point and check, re-check and check again to make sure there are no typos!
- Your name – no surprises there
- Your contact details - address, phone and email (make sure your email address is appropriate for the situation – if your current email is not, think about creating one that is. Same goes for your voicemail message)
- Education – where do you go to school, what year are you in?
- Availability – when are you available to work?
- Experience – what have you done before now? Include details like job title, company name, when you worked there and a brief list of your responsibilities in the role. The usual format is like this:
- Position, Company
Month and Year began – Month and Year finished
- Responsibilities
- Responsibilities
- Responsibilities
- Computer Proficiency – less how awesome you are at Fortnite, more how awesome you are with word processing, design programs, video editing or coding.
- Awards & Achievements – how awesome you are generally. Maybe you were on the SRC, received an award for community service, won a creative writing competition or have been a member of your local surf club for 4 years. List it all here.