IMB is a supplier of investment and at call accounts and can quote your organisation as you require.
To invest with IMB:
- Phone 1800 654 423 or (02) 4298 0100
- Email or
We offer the following products:
treasury services
No fees
Direct contact through our 1800 654 423 number
Dedicated Business Managers to discuss your requirements
Monthly call account statements
Annual Certificate of Balance statement to meet your auditing requirements
Annual Statement of Deals Actioned
Our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) is available from IMB Treasury upon request.
IMB's credit rating information is restricted to viewing by 'wholesale clients' only. Please read and agree to the terms below to access our credit rating information.
By continuing to access, browse or use this web page from within Australia, you represent to IMB that you are, or are accessing the credit rating page as a 'wholesale client', or representative of one, and that neither you nor the entity you represent will directly or indirectly disseminate the credit rating to 'retail clients' within the meaning of section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001.
I am a 'wholesale client' or representing one as described below:
By clicking on 'View IMB Credit Rating' below, I confirm I am, or I am representing, a 'wholesale client' as described above.
IMB currently holds issuer credit ratings from the following two external credit assessment institutions (ECAIs):
IMB Ltd ('IMB') Credit Rating:
Moody’s Ratings
In November 2023, Moody’s Ratings (Moody’s) affirmed IMB’s rating: long-term issuer rating of Baa1 and short-term issuer rating of P-2 with Stable outlook. The rating reflects IMB’s ‘focus on conservatively underwritten, owner-occupied residential mortgages with principal and interest repayments, complemented by a small portfolio of commercial loans’, an approach which ‘mitigates asset risks arising from the current high inflation and interest rates’. Also noted was IMB’s sound capitalisation creating a buffer against credit losses and substantial liquid assets covering debt maturities. For more information visit
Fitch Ratings
In November 2023, Fitch Ratings (Fitch) affirmed IMB’s Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of 'BBB+' with a Stable Outlook, and Short-Term IDR of ‘F2’. The rating reflects IMB’s business model and risk profile that focuses on low-risk residential mortgages, resulting in sound asset quality. Also noted was IMB’s stable capitalisation and steady funding profile. For more information visit
IMB’s credit profile, balance sheet and other fundamentals remain strong. In particular IMB is well capitalised relative to risk, has significant levels of liquidity and has stable earnings and a low cost-to-income ratio relative to peers. In addition, IMB maintains sound asset quality in its loan portfolio with arrears statistics and bad debt experiences that are well below national industry averages.
As at 31 December 2024:
- Total regulatory capital 16.3%
- High-Quality Liquid Assets 19.4%.
- Residential arrears 90+ days 0.33%, .... 72 loans of total 21,667 loans
Credit ratings are statements of opinion and not statements of fact or recommendations to purchase, sell orhold any securities. Credit ratings are subject to change.
why invest with IMB Bank
Security is a fundamental right for our customers, and we hold it as one of our core values.
Information current at date of appearance and subject to change. You should consider the Product Disclosure Statement for IMB Treasury Products (PDS) before making a decision about IMB Treasury products and facilities. The PDS is available from IMB Treasury upon request by calling 1800 654 423 or (02) 4298 0100 or emailing or