Types of Fraud and Scams

Working together we can better protect you from becoming a victim.

Scam Alert - IMB phone impersonation scam

Be alert to scammers that contact you unexpectedly, claiming to be from IMB, wanting to help you with a fraud on your IMB card or account.

Explore common Types of Fraud and Scams

Types of Fraud and Scams


Phishing is when fraudsters trick you into providing personal information such as your passwords or account details, enabling them to gain access to your funds.

Types of Fraud and Scams

Online Shopping Scams

With online shopping offering so much convenience to the public, it’s also created an ideal channel for scammers to deceive and rip off online shoppers.

Types of Fraud and Scams

Investment Scams

Investment scams lurk as deceptive pitfalls putting your financial wellbeing at risk.

Types of Fraud and Scams

Identity Theft

Identity theft is a malicious act where someone wrongfully acquires and users another person information for financial gain or fraudulent activities.

Types of Fraud and Scams

Malicious software (Malware) and Spyware

Malware refers to any software that intentionally designed to cause harm, such as viruses, ransomware or spyware which damages computer systems and compromise user data.

Types of Fraud and Scams

Dating and Romance

Dating scammers generally pretend to be a prospective partner by preying on people looking for a romantic companion

Types of Fraud and Scams


Classified scams are designed to trick online shoppers into believing they’re dealing with a legitimate person when purchasing via classified websites but there is actually a scammer behind the advertisement.

Types of Fraud and Scams

Flubot Scam

The Flubot is so named as the scammers attempt to place virus or malware onto you mobile phone. Once installed, they can track and steal data.

Types of Fraud and Scams

Lost phone scam 

Lost phone scam: Someone posing as a relative or friend will text you from a different phone number claiming to have lost their phone and that they need your help

Types of Fraud and Scams

Remote access scams 

With more people now working from home, the likelihood that you may become the victim of a Remote Access Scam (also known as Technical Support Scam) has dramatically risen.

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