
Real Estate Accounts

Specially designed accounts available to Real Estate Agents in New South Wales or ACT.

Business account

Real Estate Business Account

Includes all the facilities required for day-to-day business transactions, no monthly account keeping fees plus:

  • Create information feeds to popular accounting software
  • Accept payments from MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Diners Card and Debit Card with our Merchant service2

Key features

Rates & Fees

Business account

Real Estate Trust Account

To open a Real Estate Trust Account, you will need to provide IMB with a ‘Notice of Opening a Trust Account’ from NSW Fair Trading with a unique identifying number FTUID. This is needed by the bank to show that you are licensed in NSW.

Key features

Rates & Fees


Receive customer payments in real-time with Osko®


Faster payments across over 50 financial institutions, 24/7 – even weekends!


You can use 28 characters to describe who’s getting paid and why, including emojis – whatever characters you need!


You can use a PayID to pay and get paid with something simple like a registered mobile, email or ABN. Or you can still use a BSB and account number.


It’s backed by BPAY® and us, so it’s very secure.

Other ways to accept payments

help Centre

Get help for your business, no matter what stage it’s at.

Write a business plan, set up your business or hiring new employees
Understand, run and grow your business.
Financing your business growth, manage staff

business support

Dedicated Business Banking Managers

No business is like the other. That’s why we provide a dedicated Manager for our Business Banking clients. With decades of experience, they’re there for you when you need them to help your business grow.

Your security, our priority

Security is a fundamental right for our customers, and we hold it as one of our core values.

why us

IMB Bank is one of the most enduring financial institutions in the country, helping people achieve their financial goals for over 140 years.

Find out more

Important Information

Information current as at date of appearance and subject to change. Lending criteria, terms and conditions, fees and charges apply.

You should consider the relevant Terms and Conditions or Member Guide to Transaction Banking - Product Disclosure Statement before deciding whether to acquire any IMB products or facilities. Target Market Determinations available here. 

Osko and BPAY are registered trademarks of BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518.

Rates and features
1. $1.60 monthly VISA Debit Card fee applies. IMB Visa Debit Card is only available to Members aged 15 years and over.

2. Merchant Facilities provided by Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141, AFSL 233 714 and Mint PaymentsABN 51 122 043 029. Terms and conditions, fees and charges apply.

3. Xero is provided by Xero Australia Pty Limited and MYOB Banklink is provided by MYOB Australia Pty Ltd. Terms and conditions, fees and charges apply.