The way you pay for something will likely vary depending on where you keep your money. If you keep your cash in your wallet, top drawer or under your bed – you’ll most likely be paying with cash. If you keep your money in a bank account however, you have a few more options.
I keep my money…Under the bed/in my wallet/it’s a secret I can’t tell you.
You can pay with…
I keep my money... In a bank account with cashcard access
You can pay with…
· Cash
· Direct Debit
· Internet Banking Transfer
If you’re 18 or older you can also use…
Online Payments options like PayPal
Buy Now, Pay Later Solutions like AfterPay
I keep my money… In a bank account with a debit card (you might need to be a certain age to get one of these - check with your bank)
You can pay with…
· All of the above, plus
· Paywave or Paypass Online Payment
· Phone Payment
· Digital Wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and Garmin Pay
· Osko® real-time payments
Most of these options use your own money to pay
Once you hit 18, you might be able to borrow money from the bank to help pay for things. This is called paying for things with ‘credit’ and means you go into debt. You’re likely to be up for paying interest on any money you borrow.